Healing Hand of God
The author of this book, Fr. Lazar Aslam OFM Cap is very grateful to God Almighty who has given him this opportunity, and by His grace, he could complete this Mission.
The year he was appointed as a Hospital Chaplain; he was inspired by many holy things and still, they inspire him. He was anxious to share with others so he started writing them down for everyone. He wanted people to know the healing power of God in their daily lives.
As he experienced it, he wants others to experience the same healing and blessings. Sometimes we do not realize how God has blessed us with healing. We are so occupied that we forget to encounter and experience Jesus' healing in our lives. We forget to thank Him, the graces, He bestows upon us every time. God always reminds us that He is the one, who heals us.

"I am the Lord, who heals you" (Exo 15:26).
The author served the Tribal area in Pakistan. He collaborated closely with doctors and nurses as a hospital chaplain. This experience exposed him to the stark reality of extreme poverty, pain, and suffering that the tribal people endure.
He witnessed people who were deeply affected by the lack of necessities such as food, shelter, medicines, and education. Their medical needs were often neglected due to the absence of proper facilities.
During times of flood disaster, He assisted in food distribution, free medical camps, and essential supplies. He also organized spiritual seminars and workshops for both the community and medical personnel. However, he too faced challenges, falling ill with diarrhea and malaria due to contaminated water and mosquitoes in these remote areas, where proper transportation was scarce.
These experiences allowed him to connect intimately with the tribal communities, often walking miles to reach them. He aimed to offer encouragement and support amid their suffering and pain. His focus shifted towards alleviating the pain of others and his personal healing ministry exemplifies how Jesus intends to ease the suffering of each individual.
Dear readers, you can have the same experience of power today if you encounter God and follow the principles outlined in the Holy Bible. God is still working in the same way He always has. He wants to minister directly to us. Do not be afraid of the fire. He wants to reveal the mysteries of His heart to us. We all need to remember that He does not reveal the mysteries of His heart to everybody, but only to those that He finds trustworthy.
We need to experience God's love and prepare our hearts for His life-changing healing; we must first know Him and His healing.
The book also addresses the daily struggles we all encounter, considering the diverse challenges faced by communities, societies, and households. When addressing matters of health, not everyone enjoys the same privileges. In reaching out to those in need, decisions must be thoughtful, encompassing education and genuine care to enable holistic well-being.
This book elaborates on effective factors of healing ministry. It is a powerful key to unlock the supernatural realms of heaven. This underlines Christ as our example in the ministry of healing. Jesus is the great healer and the source of life. As we know, during His earthly ministry, Christ devoted more time to healing the sick than to preaching.
Moreover, His ministry did not discriminate against anyone. Instead, Jesus helped everyone regardless of their nationality, class, rank or creed. The Savior's work was not restricted to any time or place. His compassion knew no limit. He passed by no human being as worthless but sought to apply the healing remedy to every soul.
This reflects the teaching and healing ministry of Jesus for all people around the world. To reach the people, wherever they are, and whatever their position or condition, and to help them in every way possible. This is the true ministry, the healing ministry.
All the faithful are given this ministry by Jesus Christ. His hand is still guiding this ministry. It resembles how a chain would continue to function. The prophet turned into God's hands when God began this ministry.
Jesus Christ gave His apostles the task of serving as God's healing hand. Currently, it is still active throughout the entire world. It has no beginning, no point of ending. It is unwavering and unceasing. This ministry is God's creation, which is still manifested in the world through the efforts of various individuals serving in various ministries.
Dear Readers read this book and you will be empowered to walk in God's healing. May God bless you with His Healing Hand. I am sure that the Lord blesses us as we preach the Gospel to all the souls in this world through this book, so that they may be healed fully.
I pray to God that all souls in this world may come to believe in the Gospel so that God's will be done. They may believe that God is our healer. I thank the Lord Almighty for making me His hand and instrument.